CIS Social Network App

CIS is a world's first social media platform creating public and private space in one app. Introducing accounts for the first time where users can segregate the people based on four account categories - Public, Family, Friends and work.

What makes CIS better and Unique?

Based on accounts users can connect and engage with the right audience they are interested in. Making more easy to access the social platform and helping people in making the right connections. Users can post their feed, share their live experiences and reach to the right audience. Indeed, this is helping to communicate with the right people.
Users can chat with their friends, family or other group, post their status and share their memories in their timeline.

Have you ever wondered having a chat feature that could deliver your message at the particular time you want to without your further action at that time?

Schedule chat, this is an extra ordinary feature available in CIS which helps people to convey wishes through messages or images at that point of time.

Isn't it really cool? In our lives we all have those special people whom we care, trust and love. So there will be some special days like birthdays, anniversaries, festivals in every year. But it has become too difficult to send messages to all these people. If we some how manage them in sending. What about the time? What if we can able to send them at some specific same time?

 Fascinating and driving you crazy right?

 Yes this feature allows you to send messages to your loved one's at some specific time like exactly at twelve night. You just need to schedule the message, adjust the time or date and this feature which comes by swiping left in the messenger of CIS. That's what you need to do. You can schedule all your messages and messages would be auto delivered to the person leaving no clue that it was scheduled.

Is it the only feature?

 No, you are wrong, there is this private chat which comes from left swipe in messenger. It allows you to send self- destructive messages by adjusting the time. You can also have the control of message if your mistakenly addressed to some one. You can avail the feature to clear from your end, other end or the both ends.


Yes, CIS also offers a lot of privacy features. Privacy has become more concern for users. Hackers can probably hack your accounts by collecting your details referred as social engineering. CIS offers you to hide the details which you want to avoid sharing those details to strangers. CIS believes privacy as their core feature and had built the platform in such away that users could completely trust and keep their data in the safe hands.

Managing many social apps is time consuming, chaotic and it takes us in such tricky situations like which social app should I check first or where should I engage?

Overcoming such problem, CIS has built accounts which offers many solutions and users can engage easily with their connections, manage easily, switch to accounts by just clicking one flow button at the right corner of the bottom.

This finally helps us to use only one social app rather using many apps.
Are you the one who needs something new each and every time? If the answer is yes, then you are at the right place.

CIS is the right platform which provides you such things. Discover many new features from CIS directly. Download CIS right now and start building your social network.   

Click on Download to install the app right now.
